Cara Humphreys' Post Professional Training
Post Graduate Continuing Education
- Teacher Assistant Diane Lee Women's Health
- International Continence Society Conference
- DRA, Prolapse, Incontinence (Diane Lee)
- Anatomy Refresher (UBC)
- Part 4 - The Series (Linda Joy Lee)
- Lynn Watson Shoulder Level 2
- Running Course
- Pudendal Neuralgia/ Central Sensitization
- International Pelvic Pain Society Conference
- International Pelvic Pain Society Basics Course
- Parkinson's Wellness Recovery
- Functional Movement Assessment
- Head and Face Pain
- Graded Motor Imagery (Butler)
- IFOMPT Conference
- Pelvi/Perineal Re-education II
- Whiplash Associated Disorders (Sterling)
- CPA Congress
- Pre/Post Partum Exercise
- New Advances in Hip Rehabilitation
- Lynn Watson Shoulder Level One
- World Congress Low Back/Pelvic Girdle Pain
- Oncology and the Pelvic Floor
- Physical Therapy Care of Trans/Gender Diverse Patients
- Julie Wiebe's Piston Science Part 1 and 2
- Motivational Interviewing
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Cognitive
Behavioural Therapy for People in Pain
- Cognitive Functional Therapy
- Explain Pain
- Pelvic Girdle Pain Pre/Post Partum
- Advanced Thorax, Head and Neck
- Understanding Human Locomotion
- Pelvic Floor, Breathing & Low Back Pain (Hodges)
- CPA Physio9 Congress
- Continence and Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
- Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Progressive Goal Attainment Program
- Ergonomic Assessment Upper Limb
- Real-Time Ultrasound (Lee)
- The Lumbopelvic-Hip Region Level I &II (Lee)
- The Pelvis and Advanced Pelvis (Lee)
- The Thorax and Advanced Thorax (Lee)
- Power of Thoracic Spine Symposium
- Cervical Spine Exercise Course
- Orthopaedic Division Levels I-V
- Real-Time Ultrasound I, II and III (Whittaker)
- Wound Management Course
- Community Seating Course
- Bobath Normal Movement Workshop
- Physical Therapy Competency Exam
- Level Two Taping Course
- Medical Therapeutic Yoga (PYT 1)
- Yoga for Pelvic Health
- Anorectal Disorders
- Biopsychosocial Reframed
- Visceral Mobilization
- Endometriosis Masterclass
Formal Education, Credentials, Memberships
- Member of the International Continence Society
- Member of the International Pelvic Pain Society
- Member of CPA Women's Health Division
- Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapists
- Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy
- Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation Certification
- Certificate Intermediate Manual and Manipulative Physical Therapy
- BSc Physiotherapy (UBC)
- Member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association
- Member of the BC Physiotherapy Association
- Registrant of the College of Physical Therapists of BC
- Member of CPA Orthopedic Division